2012年3月9日 星期五


Is mature a positive or negative adjective? This question has been raised in my mind for a curtain period. I have never clam my self a mature person though I manage my student or daily life pretty well. I can do well in my study because I enjoy it and communicate with the materials, not because I'm freaking clever or  knowing how importance it is for my future career. I'm a person longing to live with freewill, but also knowing freewill doesn't exist. As long as I have this contradiction, I can't consider I'm a mature person.

Our whole life is like a famous constraint optimization problem for those economist- given the trade off ratio for everything and constraint ( time and energy, income..etc), how you allocate your resources to generate the best outcome? Because of imperfect information, we have some naive imagination and hope which sometimes blind us to see our constraint or the trade off which leads to an inefficient outcome.

Being mature turn us from a risk- loving person to be risk adverse ( afraid of risk), so we do "cost and benefits test" for every decision we made maybe even for love? As a mature person, we know more about the consequences, so the test maybe more accurate, we also see more clear about our constraints- knowing how far we can go and when to give up. As long as its beneficial in the future, its fine to hide our emotion or thought either. We know more, we allocate our resource more efficiently. Our life would be as more as expected when we become more rational. These are the ideas about maturity in my mind. 

I cherish the moment we are all having weird thought even though it may not work out because at that time all of us can think out of the frame -which so called dream. However, any animal included humans living in the earth are afraid of being hurt, being maturity is an unavoidable process. One day, we may walk on the same path as others which we wouldn't do long time ago without any blame, working day by day like a machine, we will eventually become mature because we finally see through what our constraints are. 

